March 30, 2011

Love Mei in En

What happen with the day?
Today, I think is the guess day in my life and perhaps during my life. Yes. August 06 2010, in the morning im weak up from sleept and before that I don’t know what going on.
    Of course, look like not ussualy. I open my eyes and get down from my bed and commonly my main purpose is my lovely laptop. I open the door in middle room which one it’s my brother’s room, this time I was shocked to see someone unknown. She’s has introduced by my brother. I can’t do anything. She give the hand to me and said nice to meet you. Yes, apparently she is international women from China which one joint education program. She name is Vicky, but I wrong to hear Wicky haha… sorry.
    Like ussualy, I don’t care with the foreigner. Im busy with my activities. First day, second day… we go to Blitar city, she is invited. From there im start to felt can be communicate with her, because im acctualy can’t speak English! Short cut the story from there, we both of start to closed. She is very good, interesting, and she look can very enjoy and like Indonesia food haha… and I felt, she can enjoy too with condition in Indonesia although still a few days.
    Day to day, we both felt be closed. I start to felt love. Im asked to her, how can I call u. and she is talk to me, u can called me “mei”. It’s right! Yes, oke, I would called u like that. Start this time, we often talking, laugh etc. she is very interesting, beautiful. I pay attention attitude and activities, the longer she funny too. I ever give training, learn how can get the public transportation. Yes because she in here as the teacher, and she is want go to 2 school in Junior high school and sawojajar. She is call the public transporation as Blue car, but in Indonesia it’s called Mikrolet.
Because the time acctualy I have an activities (class), but just for her.. im take an absent haha.. On the way, I look she’s very dangerous! How not, on the way she never looking around, no look left, right, in front of, and back. And it this very worried. Ok, I would take care start from begin to finish. Im very scare, she can hit by the vehicle!
Time to time. My worried change to felt love. I don’t know why, I felt very love with her. I was considere her like my “mei”, young sister. My hearth was say like that, yes I want have “mei”, young sister like her! If you know, acctualy I has a bigger dream, is have a young sister. It’s because im a last child in my family, nobody can I love and care. Yes it’s my dream during in my life. Have a “mei”, young sister. And I was to get it now. She is Seng Zuyi. I can’t lay my hearth, I love her.
Everyday we all live together, do activities, meet, dinner etc and im not felt again, she is like foreigner! She like my family! And im wants she become my family, my young sister. She talk to me don’t worry, but im not believed! I don’t like happened to my young sister.
Not to long, I felt her in my hearth. Im start and sure, God give me a “gift” the girl, young sister,  “mei”. I just can talk “Thank You God”. It’s my dream come true, and God was give it to me.
But the condition it’s not to long, after I thinking about. She’s not from here, and just a short time live in Indonesia, until she will be come back to the country. Broken hearth! Im disappointed, sad, cryed, why so fast she leave me! Even she planned to come back early, im very shock can’t do anything and almost not believe it!

Now, near the day for separate, I don’t know she would remember me, my family or not and wheter she wants to come back to Indonesia again? I don’t know. I think, why the God do like that? I can’t leave her! I love her, she was entered in my hearth! I just hope like she’s promise, she wants to come back to Indonesia again for invited me! She would finished study before, work, ??? I don’t now.
I don’t now too about her feeling, wheter she love me too or not, love my family? I don’t know.
In the last time, we all would do the holiday together with she’s friend from China and Japan to Bali island on September 5 2010 until September 10. I hope this moment will be beautiful memories with her before she’s come back to China!

My young sister
I love U,
I will be missing you,
Missing u laugh,
Miss u stay here,
In everywhere place,
Miss anything of you
Thanks a lot of from U